Parent Involvement / Communication
A caring, open communication approach. This is vital to ensure maintenance of a quality service. Your contribution of ideas, experiences and skills are welcomed and greatly valued. You may be able to share your skills and experiences in Music, Craft, Cooking and Storytelling etc to enhance your child’s program at the Service.
Parents are welcome to visit or call the Service at any time. If you have any talents or hobbies, we welcome and encourage to please share them with the children. Our Service has an open door policy. You and your family are welcome to visit the Service at any time. We endeavour to keep parents up to date with what's happening at our centre in the following ways:
- Notice Boards
- Monthly Newsletter
- Children's Pockets
- Assessments of individual children
- Daily Diary – an overview of the day
- Health and safety issues, e.g., immunisation
- "How is my child today" book
- Parent Interviews
A Partnership of Care
We believe the best way to work with you and your child is by building a partnership of care. To do this we want you to feel:
1. Welcomed, recognised, acknowledged and respected by all our Educators.
2. That your child is really known by, and really knows, the people who care for him or her.
3. You are given lots of information about what is occurring and are asked for your views.
4. You are involved in making decisions about your child's experiences.
5. You and your child are received and greeted upon arrival.Your child is happy, secure and engaged.
6. Your child is not just looked after but really cared for.
Parent Grievances
We welcome parents comments and concerns in any area of our work and encourage parents to speak with us if you have any concerns or comments that may help us improve our centre or our performance. Staff are always available to discuss the day-to-day care and education of your child. If you would like a longer time to discuss your issues, please make an appointment with the director. We really need to hear your concerns so that every endeavour can be made to resolve any issues and assist with our continual improvement. A copy of our grievance policy is availabe from our Centre Policy Binder.
Confidentially and Discretion
Information received through written and spoken communication with families will be treated with discretion. At any time if you require a private discussion with our Educators, please inform us. This can happen face to face or by phone.