Your Child's Progress
We welcome requests from families to discuss their child’s progress, relationships, interests and experiences. Every day happenings can be discussed at drop off and pick up times. Should you require a more in-depth discussion, an appointment time should be made so that staff can give you their full attention. Child records are kept confidential. Parents have access to their child’s records.
Transitioning Between Rooms
We endeavour to make transitioning to other rooms as stress free as possible and assist your child to become secure in their new environment.
Parents are notified when staff feel that their child is developmentally ready to transition into the next room. The decision making process is made by both staff and parents. Careers from other rooms are introduced to parents. Your child's new career will come and collect your child for a short visit into their new room. These visits will increase in length until your child is comfortable with their new environment.
Your child' developmental records will go with them to their new room and carer.